Perfumes and Cosmetics

As you might of guessed from previous posts some of my favourite products to photograph are cosmetics and perfume products. Below are a few examples of product photography for one of my regular clients. 

creative product photography, perfume bottles and packaging on grey. All photography created by London advertising photographer chris howlett 

Both images are high quality product packshots, The first packshot (above) is a simple but effective creative packshot. A simple and clean look. When i receive the new range of cosmetics and perfumes i photograph them on the same background in the same style so they all look consistent on their website. 

perfumes and cosmetics, candles moisturiser and perfumes bottles with packaging. All created by London still life photographer chris howlett

If you are a cosmetics or perfume brand and have a product that would benefit from high quality product photography then get in contact for a quote or test shoot.


Packshot photography suitable for large scale prints.


Furniture Photography interiors and roomsets